As you can see, we have a large database of products that you to choose from for your next promotion. We have shipped our product throughout North America and, because our suppliers do as well, our prices are in US funds. NOTE: in many cases, the price difference is neglegible.
What you find here is available to ship from within Canada. All the brokerage and duties have been taken into account, we just need to confirm the prices for you.
We hope you will find our catalog easy to use and our database easy to search.
Our philosophy is simple – be friendly to the customer, keep them informed and be respectful of their time and budget. We offer advice where we can and work hard to ensure your products are delivered correct and in a timely manner.
We hope you will give us a try and we look forward to working with you.
Can I only order a few items with my name on them?
Unfortunately, for imprinted products, there is a minimum and that minimum will be displayed. If you would like to order a few blank items that is possible. You will be required to pay for the items and shipping charges.
If the minimum order is 100 pieces and the next price break is 250 pieces, can I order 150 pieces?
What type of artwork do you need?
We can accept all types of artwork however, it may need to be edited and or converted in our art department for it to work for personalization. Our preferred file formats are .ai - .eps - .cdr
What are set up fee?
Set-up fees vary depending on the item and are listed on each product page. On most items, a one color, one location print is included with the standard set-up fee. They range from $50 - $65 Cdn. Additional set-up fees may apply for multiple color imprints and additional locations.
Are they any other charges? Yes, possibly.
All charges will be confirmed prior to the order.
How long does my order take?
Please give your order about 3 weeks to be delivered. Production can take between 5-10 business days after your proof approval then shipping time is added to that.
Do you charge for proofs?
Consider this answer yes. Most orders the proof is included however, there are some cases where there is a nominal fee of $15 for the emailed / digital proof.
How much is shipping?
Shipping will depend on the location of the factory. We always ship cheapest ground unless otherwide indicated.